Nimbus Health's B2C Healthcare Marketing Website

Nimbus Health, a cutting-edge healthcare provider specializing in respiratory conditions.

Nimbus Health
Nimbus Health's B2C Healthcare Marketing Website


Nimbus Health, a cutting-edge healthcare provider specializing in respiratory conditions, sought to revamp their B2C marketing website. The goal was to combine technological and medical innovations to offer the finest patient care. As a Web and UX designer, I was tasked with creating a visually appealing and user-friendly website that aligned with the existing branding guidelines while addressing the unique needs of the pulmonary clinic network.

See Nimbus' website

Nimbus Health's B2C Healthcare Marketing Website


  1. Outdated Website: The existing website lacked a modern design and failed to showcase Nimbus Health's technological advancements effectively.
  2. Inconsistent Branding: The website's visual assets did not align cohesively with the established branding guidelines.
  3. User Experience Gaps: User feedback indicated difficulties in finding relevant information and navigating through the website.
  4. Limited Functionality: The previous platform restricted the implementation of innovative features and hindered customization.

Research and analysis

  • Conducted extensive user research to understand the target audience and their pain points.
  • Analyzed competitors' websites and industry best practices to identify areas for improvement.
  • Noted the importance of visual assets and consistent branding to establish trust and credibility.

Design process

  1. Wireframing: Created wireframes to map out the website's structure and optimize user flow.
  2. Content Strategy: Developed compelling content that communicated Nimbus Health's cutting-edge medical solutions to resonate with users.
  3. High-Fidelity Designs: Crafted high-fidelity designs with a focus on visual appeal, responsiveness, and user-centricity.
  4. No-Code Implementation: Utilized Webflow's capabilities to turn designs into a fully functional and responsive website.

Implementation and results

  • Increased User Engagement: The revamped website experienced higher user engagement and prolonged session durations.
  • Enhanced Conversions: The improved user experience led to a noticeable increase in lead conversions and appointment bookings.
  • Positive User Feedback: User feedback highlighted the website's ease of use, informative content, and appealing visuals.
Nimbus Health's B2C Healthcare Marketing Website


  • Modern and Intuitive Design: Redesigned the website with a modern layout, easy navigation, and intuitive user interface to enhance the user experience.
  • Visual Assets: Incorporated captivating visual assets, including images and videos, to showcase Nimbus Health's advanced medical technologies.
  • Consistent Branding: Ensured brand consistency throughout the website to establish trust and recognition among users.


The successful redesign of Nimbus Health's B2C healthcare marketing website using a no-code platform led to significant improvements in user engagement, conversions, and overall brand perception. The website's modern design, compelling content, and consistent branding established Nimbus Health as a leader in respiratory care, effectively connecting with patients and promoting their innovative medical solutions. The project exemplifies the value of user-centric design and the impact it can have on the healthcare industry's digital presence and patient outreach.

Clay Spence - CEO of Nimbus Health

I came to Gytis looking for a web designer. What I quickly realized is that Gytis' approach to website design is to thoroughly immerse himself in the study of a client's company and then construct an information architecture for the website which accurately and directly accomplishes the most important goals for the business. I have worked with all kinds of designers and creatives in the past, and Gytis stands head and shoulders above them all.
